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This can be done easily typing in front of the variable. Very important is that the variables in the model are in log form (where applicable!), thus when replacing the variable in the model remember to use the logarithmic values of the newly created variable. This means that we want to replace RM3 with RM3_TS in the model.

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90 92 94 96 98 00 RM3 1.3 02 04 06 08 10 12 RM3_TS Analyse the effect of the shocked variable on revenue (Post the graph of the shocked versus the revenue variable). the graph of the shocked versus the variable. EViews steps: Generate (Genr) RM3_TS RM3 (This will create a new variable called RM3_TS which will have exactly the same values as RM3) Generate (Genr) RM3_TS Also change the to: 1995 1995 (This will increase the value of RM3_TS but only for the year 1995) Open Rubric 1.2 Post (i.e. You have to demonstrate a temporary shock: 1.1 Apply a temporary shock to M3 (money supply), increasing it with in the 1995. The adjustment path to a new equilibrium is then analysed to see how the model behaves. increase or decrease) to some of the explanatory variables. It can be done applying a temporary or permanent (e.g. This is done to test if the model conforms to (a priory) economic expectations. Now that you have completed your model, it is a good idea to analyse its combined (i.e. This activity builds on the results you have gathered in activities 1.1 to 1.3. Demonstrate how the model can be used to forecast. Preview text ECS4863 2015 SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS TO ACTIVITY 1.4 1.10 Activity 1.4: Response Characteristics and Forecasting You will be assessed on your ability to: the response characteristics of your model.

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